Search for tag: "research"
How Operations Research and Machine Learning are Reshaping the Aviation Industry - Deepak Agrawal, American Airlines, 04/16/2021Operations Research and Machine Learning have applications in a wide variety of industries such as supply chain, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing etc. OR and ML touch many aspects of an…
From Thiago Serra
162 plays
Primary Research Articles vs. Review ArticlesThis video discusses the differences between primary research articles (or empirical research articles) and review articles.
From Carrie Pirmann
261 plays
(Re)Designing Information Literacy/Research AssignmentsWorld Cafe Session from July 15th, 2020. Hosted by Carrie Pirmann and Eloise Stevens
From Eloise Stevens
8 plays
Data Management and Sharing Plans - Grant Writing May Plan 2020An overview of data management plans and data/resource sharing plans for NSF and NIH grant applications for Bucknell faculty in STEM fields. Presented by Agnes Jasinska, Data Services Specialist, as…
From Agnes Jasinska
25 plays
Searching the Literature in ChemistryA few tips and pointers on searching for papers in the scientific literature. The use of topic search terms is covered along with sub-searching cited references of papers that are of interest.
From Douglas Collins
5 plays