Search for tag: "dance"

Jazz I - New Stretch with music 4.7

+2 More
From  Dustyn Martincich 9 plays 0  

Jazz I- Battement combo with Music

+2 More
From  Dustyn Martincich 25 plays 0  

Jazz I- Battement talk thru

+2 More
From  Dustyn Martincich 13 plays 0  

DPS Demos - 2nd Floor Studio

Wes Bernstein introduces the 2nd Floor Studio in Bertrand Library, located in the corner of the East Reading Room.

+87 More
From  Wes Bernstein 104 plays 0  

Er-Dong Just Believe Sp. 15

From  Ivan Flores Sandoval 1 plays 0  

S16 Er-Dong Hu

From  Ivan Flores Sandoval 23 plays 0  

S14 Er-Dong

From  Ivan Flores Sandoval 1 plays 0  

F15 Er-Dong Hu

From  Ivan Flores Sandoval 6 plays 0  

F16 Er-Dong

From  Ivan Flores Sandoval 1 plays 0  

F14 Er-Dong Hu

From  Ivan Flores Sandoval 1 plays 0