Search for tag: "film"

Cutting Edge Knox Film Reflection

From  Kelly Knox 8 plays 0  

The Seeds of Fortune

From  Harry Marson 11 plays 0  

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

From  Madelyn Gallivan 3 plays 0  

The Flower

Character A and B are best friends. They know everything about each other, including Character A’s secret telekinetic powers. One night, at a party, Character A receives a concerning text from…

From  Claire Jenkins 5 plays 0  

Girly Things

Greg McMullen, Martha Covo, Teresa Deda, Caroline Wygal

From  Greg McMullan 8 plays 0  

Graduaton Cancellation

Leah Rahklin, Hadley Morgan, Anna Garvey, Sylar Silverstein

From  Leah Rakhlin 10 plays 0  

Noir Challenge -Maddie & Abby?

From  Kelly Knox 2 plays 0  

Group 1 Noir Film - AP, Martha, Henry

From  Kelly Knox 1 plays 0  

IP 1 Minute Video

From  Anna Garvey 4 plays 0  

Short Silent Narrative

From  Eric Afzelius 0 plays 0  

My Movie 2

From  Christine Ajao 2 plays 0  

Final - Elmer's 1 min film "Poker"

Short film 1 min on poker

From  Elmer Cruz 10 plays 0  

Reap and Sow

What does a flower/rose need to grow? Light, Water, and Time. As the growth of the flower elapses and winter time approaches... solitude blossoms. This alone time is simply preparation for the power…

From  Camoni Mullins-Warren 2 plays 0  

the unmovable blanket

the real one

From  Henry Boyle 12 plays 0  

Dream to the Past

From  JC Pompa Sanchez 2 plays 0  

1 Minute Silent Film

Made with ProMovie Recorder

From  Olivia Mooney 17 plays 0  

Santos Film 1

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

From  Ben Santos 12 plays 0  


From  Dehlia Rotchford 3 plays 0  

SK-Silent narrative

From  Sam Kellish 2 plays 0  

Depression V. Life (Of.)

From  AP Howell 5 plays 0  

Silent Narrative by Connor Chase

The Immovable Object is the Wall and the Unstoppable force is the air from the fan.

From  Connor Chase 4 plays 0  

The Final Fight - Lauren Mirando 1 min Silent Video

From  Lauren Mirando 3 plays 0